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Russian Version | 15, Bukirev St., Perm, 614990. E-mail: langlit2009@mail.ru |
Welcome to our web site!Perm University Herald. Russian and Foreign Philology is a periodical scientific peer-review journal, registered in 2009 as an independent edition and integrating two series of the journal Perm University Herald, published since 1994 (Philology and Foreign Languages and Literatures). The journal was founded by Perm State University with the Philological Faculty and the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures being responsible for its publishing. The journal represents the results of scientific activity of Russian and foreign philologists, including those from Perm University. Besides scientific papers, proceedings of conferences, symposia, seminars, the journal publishes reviews on monographs, articles, etc. published in Russia and abroad, subject surveys and detailed information on scientific events relevant to the field of the journal. The journal is published 4 times a year, articles may be submitted all the year round. The main text of the article may be written in the Russian or English language. | |||||
Since February 19, 2010 the journal has been included into the List of the leading peer-review scientific journals and editions, in which the main research results of doctoral and PhD theses must be published. The journal is registered by the Federal Agency on Supervision in Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications. Subscription index in all-Russian catalogue “Press of Russia” – 41008. ISSN 2073-6681. The journal is listed in a special information-analytical system “Russian Science Citation Index” (RSCI). Full texts of articles are available in open access at the journal web site (http://www.rfp.psu.ru) and at the web site of Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU (http://elibrary.ru/title_about.asp?id=28197). The journal is listed in the following subscription data bases: 2) “University Library On-line” – Ltd. “NexMedia” (Moscow), www.biblioclub.ru; 3) “Library of the National Electronic Informational Consortium”, organisation – Noncommercial Partneship “National Electronic Informational Consortium” (NP “NEICON”) (Moscow), http://arch.neicon.ru; 4) Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory, EBSCO, http://www.serialssolutions.com. CONTACTS Contact telephone: +7 (342) 2396795 Editor-in-Chief Deputy Editor Web-Editor |
Main News Archieve Editorial Board Submitting & ReviewingGuide for Authors Works on Philology published in PSNRU |